Loma Vista Nursery News

Loma Vista Nursery news;
Keeping you updated with us.

“Tough” Choices

Hardy Plants Make Their Seasonal Comeback

Hardy plants are “tough” choices for landscape designs because they stand up to a variety of environmental stresses and bounce back year after year with reliable color and form. From extreme temperatures and poor soils to drought, flooding, high winds and tricky light conditions, hardy plants are garden workhorses.  Their ability to withstand environmental anxieties…

Standout Standups

Upright Junipers and Columnar Arborvitae

Upright evergreen trees are prized in the landscape for their reliability and stand-up coolness. Taylor Juniper (Juniperus virginiana ‘Taylor’) Like squirrels stock up on nuts for winter sustenance, upright juniper and arborvitae store water and nutrients in their roots. This enables them to slow their growth when the ground is frozen but not go dormant.…

Sleepy Time

Overwintering the Nursery

Mid-November is sleepy time at Loma Vista Nursery – but that does not at all mean our work is slowing down. In fact, it’s only just beginning as we prepare for Spring 2025. At Loma Vista Nursery, we overwinter our plants in 550 poly houses located throughout the site. During late fall – and for…

Site Tour Series

Loma Vista Nursery Tree Farm

Ever wonder what really happens on a plant nursery? In this installment of our continuing Site Tour Series, we will take you on a blog tour of various aspects of the Loma Vista Nursery growing sites. We produce in-ground trees for business-to-business sales at our tree production nursery in Willow Springs, Kan. Loma Vista Nursery…

Plant Species Highlight

Ornamental Grasses - the Stars of Fall

Long may they wave! Big on textures, colors, varieties and styles, ornamental grasses bring bold personality to landscapes large and small. And just when other plants begin to lose their summer appeal, grasses get going, unfurling their foliage and sending up creamy plumes, adding mystique to late-year seasons. Flame Grass (Miscanthus sinensis ‘Purpurascens’) – At…

Migrating Monarchs

Supporting Thriving Populations

It is beginning. Populations of monarch butterflies, traveling from as far north as southern Canada, are beginning their 3,000-mile-plus winged journey southward to roost in the fir forests of central Mexico. They’ll stay there through our Midwest winter until spring, when they begin their flight back to us. And, hopefully, they will do so in…

No Snacking Zone

Deer Resistant Plants, Please

It never fails. You plant a new flowering shrub. It’s one you’ve been wanting for a while now, and you dream of how it will look in a couple years, in that developing back border bed. With great care you dig it in so as not to disturb the nearby mixed forbs and other perennials.…

Staggered Blooms

Season to Season Color Consistency

When planning designs for 2024 gardens and landscapes, consider the following plants for staggering color consistency. From spring to summer to fall, they work together to transition the seasons in living color. We are now taking professional trade orders for the spring 2024 growing season. Click here for our container order form. Click here for…

Bountiful Blooms

These Shrubs Give and Give

For bountiful blooms, easy care and pollinator support, these garden and landscape shrubs give and give. Royal Star Magnolia (Magnolia stellata ‘Royal Star’) Royal Star Magnolia Once it’s established in the landscape, this reliable early- to-mid-spring bloomer is one of the most breathtaking sites of spring. Large, 3 to 4 inch flowers have fragrant, double-white…

Spooky Plants

Our Team's Halloween Plant Picks

Along with scary skeletons, carved pumpkins and graveyard ghouls, “spooky” plants bring out the best of the season and add life to outdoor Halloween décor. Here are a few of our team’s picks for spookiest (e.g., favorite) fall plants. Cheyenne Spirit Echinacea (Echinacea hybrid ‘ Cheyenne Spirit’) Cheyenne Spirit Echinacea “Fall is my favorite season…