Loma Vista Nursery News

Loma Vista Nursery news;
Keeping you updated with us.

Cone-ing Around

These Coneflowers Have a Lot to Offer

Walk around your neighborhood or visit a nearby park and you’re bound to see them. Coneflowers (Echinacea purpurea) are staples in Midwest gardens and landscapes and there are good reasons why. Consumers have numerous options for mixing and matching their bright and bold colors in beds, borders and containers. From crisp white to popular purple…

Disease Resistant Plants

Selections for the Landscape

Plant pests and pathogens get big consumer buzz and cost businesses money. Selecting pest and disease resistant plants for landscape and garden projects is good business. Disease “resistance” means that a plant, tree or shrub is bred to resist most common diseases and pathogens. Disease resistance supports plant vitality and environmental security. It also saves…

Gardening 101: Perennials

Feel Good Adding "Plants with Benefits"

A lot has been written about the numerous health and environmental benefits of plants to pollinators and humans. For those of us who work with plants every day, that’s “gardening 101.”  Plants improve quality of life. They help us feel good. They provide food and shelter. And through photosynthesis, flowers, plants and trees release oxygen…