Loma Vista Nursery News

Loma Vista Nursery news;
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Waves of Color

Plant These Favorites for Spring

There is still plenty of time to put new plants in the ground and help roots become established before soil freeze sets in. Whether your retail customers are planting now or you are planning varieties to add to landscape designs in the spring, consider the following favorites for seasonal waves of color. Texas Scarlet Flowering…

Space Savers

Vertical Plants Enhance Small Spaces

Grow “up” to make the most of garden areas with limited footprints. Vertical, compact plants and shrubs like the following add height, color and texture that can make city lots, decks, patios, containers and small yards look larger.  Blackhawks Big Bluestem (Andropogon gerardii) Blackhawks Big Bluestem With a garden height of 5 feet and spread…