Loma Vista Nursery News

Loma Vista Nursery news;
Keeping you updated with us.

Introducing LV!

Meet Our Team's Newest Member

Introducing the newest member of Loma Vista Nursery’s team – LV! Our busy gnome ambassador is on a mission to support independent garden centers throughout the Midwest. LV offers a toolkit of customizable marketing opportunities that are designed to support and help grow your garden center sales. Best of all – the toolkit is free…

Mini & Mighty Shrubs

Maximize Beauty & Versatility

Workhorses of the garden provide both beauty and versatility. Consider the following mini and mighty shrubs if you’re looking to maximize landscape projects with personality, color and vibrancy. Petite Knock Out® Rose Petite Knock Out® Rose The first-ever miniature shrub rose is fire-engine red and a petite version of its full-size cousin. At only 18…

Gardening 101: Perennials

Feel Good Adding "Plants with Benefits"

A lot has been written about the numerous health and environmental benefits of plants to pollinators and humans. For those of us who work with plants every day, that’s “gardening 101.”  Plants improve quality of life. They help us feel good. They provide food and shelter. And through photosynthesis, flowers, plants and trees release oxygen…

Beautiful Bloomer

Endless Summer® at Loma Vista Nursery

No doubt about it – bigleaf hydrangeas are hot. They come in a variety of shapes, colors and sizes and are effortless to maintain in gardens, landscapes and containers. Their beautiful, long-lasting blooms make them ideal shrubs in a summer garden that is seemingly endless. Loma Vista Nursery is proud to grow the following Endless…

The Rush is On!

Loma Vista Nursery Prepares for Spring

Preparing for the spring rush at Loma Vista Nursery is a lot like what you might see on a cable reality show. There never seems to be enough time to get it done but somehow it all comes together beautifully. “As soon as the weather breaks, we are off and running for the spring season.…