No doubt about it – bigleaf hydrangeas are hot. They come in a variety of shapes, colors and sizes and are effortless to maintain in gardens, landscapes and containers. Their beautiful, long-lasting blooms make them ideal shrubs in a summer garden that is seemingly endless.
Loma Vista Nursery is proud to grow the following Endless Summer® Hydrangeas for Midwest-based independent garden centers, landscape contractors and wholesale distributors.

Bailey Nurseries Photo
The Original Bigleaf Hydrangea
Hydrangeas are popular with plant collectors – and this shrub is a good example. The Original Bigleaf Hydrangea is the first introduction in the Endless Summer® collection. Hardy and disease resistant, it reblooms from spring through fall.
The Original Bigleaf Hydrangea is versatile in containers and cut flower arrangements, perennial gardens and foundation plantings. It has a mature height and width of 5 feet and a rounded shape. Bright green foliage turns red in fall. Plant in part shade, in USDA Hardiness Zones 4 through 9.

Summer Crush® Bigleaf Hydrangea
With bright red blooms all summer long, Summer Crush® Bigleaf Hydrangea has us longing for a tall glass of iced-cold raspberry lemonade. Spilling out of a patio container or near a front door, prolific blooms are compact and gorgeous.
This shrub grows to a mature height and width of only 36 inches. Summer Crush® Bigleaf Hydrangea has sweet-looking petals with bead-like centers. It has bright green foliage and an upright, rounded shape. It likes partial shade and full sun. Plant in USDA Hardiness Zones 4 through 9.

BloomStruck® Bigleaf Hydrangea
Color your summer garden with a hydrangea that will provide endless delight. BloomStruck® Bigleaf Hydrangea changes color with the soil’s pH. Red petioles with veins add sparkle as the shrub’s dark green leaves reach for the sun.
While it prefers part shade, BloomStruck® Bigleaf Hydrangea stands up to summer heat and is disease resistant. It has a rounded to spreading shape with a mature height of 4 feet and width of 5 feet. Plant in USDA Hardiness Zones 4 through 9.

Bailey Nurseries Photo
Pop Star™ Hydrangea
Coming Spring 2023! Pop Star™ Hydrangea is small in size but big on repeat lacecap blooms. Genetically compact at 36 inches tall and wide, it fits sweetly into small garden spaces and containers. It makes a strong border or short hedge plant that does not need pruning. This hydrangea is easy to grow and has a tight, strong habit and mounded shape. Thick, dark green leaves help it stand up to heat while strong stems prevent a floppy plant.
With wowzah flower power, Pop Star™ Hydrangea is the quickest to rebloom in production. New buds appear in four weeks after a hard cutback. Lacecap blooms are lovely in pink or blue. Pop Star™ blooms on old and new wood in part shade. Plant in USDA Hardiness Zones 4 through 9.
Take a look through Loma Vista Nursery’s plant catalog for more information about all the beautiful hydrangeas we grow. Let us know if you have questions.
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