Loma Vista Nursery: Employee Features
We at Loma Vista Nursery are not only proud of our plants, but we are also proud of our operations and the people who work here, which is why we are going to start featuring blogs and videos about the people who make up our incredible team and how we run our nursery.
Introducing: Manuel Lopez
Manuel is in charge of our 650+ acre in-ground tree facility in Willow Springs, KS. He grows, trims, and cares for the trees throughout the duration of their lives. Then, when it’s time to send them to our customers, Manuel digs the trees using a tree spade and wraps the root ball in burlap. This is known as our ball and burlap (B&B) method.

above: Manuel standing next to his work truck.
A Loma Vista Staple
As of this year, Manuel has worked for Loma Vista Nursery for 25 years. Manuel was working for a tree farm in Grandview in 1993 when Mark Clear, our owner, bought the original farm. “He came with the farm,” Mark Clear says, “and has luckily been with us ever since.”
Everyone who knows Manuel knows that he is positive, calm, relaxed, and is an expert when it comes to trees. You’ll hardly ever find Manuel without a smile on his face. Manuel is a man of his word, and if anyone asks him to do anything, his answer is always ‘yes.’

above: A section of Autumn Blaze Maples on our Tree Farm.
Tree Expert
No one I have ever met knows trees as well as Manuel does. He can identify any tree both on and off of the nursery. All it takes is one look at a tree, and he can tell you the type of tree, its growing habit, and any growing-related facts. Needless to say, we are extremely happy and lucky to have Manuel as a part of our team.

above: Manuel and his wife at our annual Loma Vista holiday party.
Come Work With Us (And Manuel!)
If Manuel’s position seems pretty awesome to you, we are currently hiring an assistant tree farm manager to train underneath him. The job description is listed at the bottom of our career page HERE!
Interested in joining our team at Loma Vista Nursery? Check out our career page HERE or contact us for general inquiries. Email: sales@lomavistanursery.com Phone: (785) 229-7200