We love them, don’t we – those crimson roses that smell so sweet, energize our bodies and provide pleasure to our brains? Red roses elicit feelings of love, passion and longing, while the color red is a physical stimulant associated with excitement.
And then there are roses of other colors and we love them just as much. Variety, they say, is the spice of life and these pretties can dance in the garden right along with the best of them. They soothe the heart, calm our spirit and provide us with a sense of peace and well-being.
So, let’s salute our national rose with applause to roses in other colors. Happy National Rose Month!

Coral Knock Out® Rose Shrub (Rosa ‘Radral’)
Coral Knock Out® Rose Shrub
Loaded with blooms from early spring through first frost, Coral Knock Out® Rose starts out pink-orange in spring and transitions to light coral salmon as the season progresses. Award winning from American Garden Rose Selections, American Rose Trials for Sustainability and Biltmore International Rose Trials, this beauty is stylish as a foundation plant, sidewalk hedge and showy specimen in groupings. Pollinators are drawn to its sweet fragrance.
Coral Knock Out® Rose is resistant to blackspot and thrives with very little care. Prune back in early spring and keep the soil moderately moist. You won’t need to fertilize this rose. However, the application of balanced fertilizer early in the season will help maximize blooms. Plant this Knock Out® rose in full sun, in well-drained soil and add a layer of mulch. Mature height and width is between 4 and 5 feet. Plant in USDA Hardiness Zones 5 to 11.

Apricot Drift® Groundcover Rose (Rosa hybrid ‘Meimirrot’)
Apricot Drift® Groundcover Rose
Looking for a rose that can do double-duty in the beauty department while providing a long show of gorgeous color in cutting gardens and along paths and walkways? Apricot Drift® Groundcover Rose does all that and more. Double apricot-pink blooms begin in spring and keep going through summer. Foliage is glossy dark green. Easy care with improved pest and disease resistance, this compact rose attracts hummingbirds.
To establish healthy root systems, keep the top 3 inches of soil evenly moist during the first season of planting. Apply an all-purpose fertilizer and prune Apricot Drift® Groundcover Rose annually to promote new growth. Mature height is 1½ feet. Width is 2½ feet. Plant in full sun, in USDA Hardiness Zones 4 to 11.

Ringo® Rose (Rosa x)
Ringo® Rose
Sunny yellow blooms feature bold red center rings, earning the award-winning Ringo® Rose its name. With age, the show continues as blooms fade to white with a pink center. Foliage is rich dark green. Grow it on its own, as a hedge or as a garden accent among other perennials and shrubs. You’ll be rewarded with gorgeous transitioning color if you plant this rose en masse.
This continuous rebloomer is disease resistant and does not require deadheading. Cut the plant back by half in early spring to ensure growth comes from further down the plant. Avoid the leaves when watering Ringo® Rose. Locate it where it can get a minimum of six hours of full sun. This rose grows to 4 feet tall and wide at maturity. Plant in USDA Hardiness Zones 4 to 8.

White Drift® Rose (Rosa ‘Meizorland’)
White Drift® Rose
White Drift® Rose is a miniature shrub with a low spreading habit and fragrant, crisp white double blooms. Flowers begin in mid-spring, against evergreen foliage. Plant it as a bedding plant around taller established shrubs and perennials, as a stand-alone in larger urn containers and as a patio border ground cover. This rose is ideal for small gardens and landscapes, and for evening or white gardens.
White Drift® Rose is easy-care and disease resistant. Prune in late winter or early spring to maintain the desired shape and size. Deadheading encourages repeat blooms. Add a layer of mulch to help retain moisture and support healthy root system growth. Fast growing, White Drift® Rose shrubs are 2 feet tall and 3 feet wide at maturity. Plant in full sun, in USDA Hardiness Zones 5 to 10.

Coral Drift® Rose (Rosa hybrid ‘Meidrifora’)
Coral Drift® Rose
Colors that pop in spring and summer! That’s Coral Drift® Rose. Eye-candy orange blooms have citrus-yellow centers against dark green foliage. This vigorous, cold hardy rose is disease resistant and has a spreading habit. As a bedding plant, it fills in beautifully around established shrubs and perennials. Add it to two-way garden borders, along pathways and sidewalks, in containers and in areas where bright color is needed.
Clip and bring in showy flowers to add to floral arrangements in the home. Water the Coral Drift® Rose regularly during the first growing season to establish its root system, making sure soil is moist at the top 3 inches. Feed with an all-purpose fertilizer and prune this ground cover to maintain its size and shape. At maturity, Coral Drift® Rose is 1½ feet tall and spreads gently to 2½ feet wide. Plant in full sun, in USDA Hardiness Zones 4 to 11.

Sunny Knock Out® Shrub Rose (Rosa x ‘Radsunny’)
Sunny Knock Out® Shrub Rose
Color that pops from spring through frost! That’s Sunny Knock Out® Shrub Rose. Vibrant yellow blooms contrast against dark green, semi-glossy foliage as they transition to creamy white with age. This compact shrub rose is low maintenance, drought tolerant and long blooming. Add it to complement other perennials and shrubs, in borders and as a hedge or foundation planting.
Sunny Knock Out® Shrub Rose is resistant to blackspot. It likes full or part sun and rich, fertile soil that is well drained. For best performance, cut it back annually in early spring. This popular shrub rose has a rounded, bushy shape and matures at 3 to 4 feet tall and wide. Plant in USDA Hardiness Zones 5 to 11.
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