When it comes to rock star hydrangeas, Endless Summer® Pop Star® may be among the more compact and smaller varieties in the Hydrangeaceae family – but make no mistake. It holds its own among the category’s big daddies.

Pop Star® Bigleaf Hydrangea (Hydrangea macrophylla ‘Bailmacsix’)
Pop Star® Hydrangea
Pop Star® Hydrangea’s motto is “giving you more blooms in less room.” And that’s no joke. At only 18 to 36 inches tall and wide, this mighty little shrub delivers big impact with stary, lacecap blooms that keep going and going all season long. It has versatility as a front-of-the-border shrub in larger landscapes and as a specimen shrub in smaller spaces. It even looks great in containers.
No matter where you plant it, Pop Star® Hydrangea’s dazzling color makes it a stand-out in the landscape. Its color also makes it irresistible to butterflies, bees and other garden pollinators. Depending on soil pH, electric blue or vibrant pink blooms cover the shrub from top to bottom, from summer to fall. Alkaline soil produces blue petals. Acidic soil produces pink blooms. Foliage is dark green.

Delicate petals on lacecap flowers – Pop Star® Bigleaf Hydrangea (Hydrangea macrophylla ‘Bailmacsix’)
Plant Pop Star® Hydrangea in rich, loamy soil that is well drained. This deciduous shrub is generally easy to care for. Give it a balanced 10-10-10 fertilizer in early spring and late summer and prune in early spring or fall when it’s not in flower. Water well after planning for about two to three weeks to help establish a strong root system. Layer with organic compost or leaf mulch to ensure good drainage.
Plant Pop Star® Hydrangea is cold hardy and disease resistant. Plant the shrub in sun-dappled shade with plenty of air circulation for best performance. In Midwest zones that experience hot temperatures, plant this hydrangea in areas where it will get morning sun rather than afternoon heat. Pop Star® Hydrangea performs best in USDA Hardiness Zones 4 to 9.
Meet Some of Our Other “Pop Stars”
In honor of Father’s Day, get to know some of our other “pop stars” – Kurt Everett, Duane Huss, Alfredo Rios and Michael Sellars.

Kurt Everett, pictured with Caitlin Hupp and Lyndsi Oestmann, is a key part of Loma Vista Nursery’s regional sales team. Kurt manages Nebraska, Iowa, Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, South Dakota and North Dakota.
Q&A with Kurt Everett
Q. Who are you and what is your role at Loma Vista Nursery?
A. Kurt Everett here, in sales here at Loma Vista Nursery.
Q. How many children do you have?
A. I became a dad in 2010. I have a daughter who is 12 and a son who is 10. I love being a dad.
Q. What is your favorite Father’s Day activity?
A. I am a golfer so my favorite Father’s Day activity is watching the U.S. Open, since the final round is always on Father’s Day. So, I’ll watch that, relax and play golf if I can.

Loma Vista Nursery’s business activities run smoothly in large part to Duane Huss, our operations manager.
Q&A with Duane Huss
Q. Who are you and what is your role at Loma Vista Nursery?
A. I am Duane Huss, operations manager here at the nursery.
Q. What is your favorite plant here at the nursery and why?
A. Salvias! They give all season color and come in an array of shapes, sizes and colors.
Q. Do you think being a father has impacted your work experience?
A. Yes! It has taught me that family is very important. People need a good balance between work and family life.
Q. What is your favorite Father’s Day activity?
A. Fishing!

Alfredo Rios oversees the nurturing, care and vitality of Loma Vista Nursery’s plants as plant health manager.
Q&A with Alfredo Rios
Q. Who are you and what is your role at Loma Vista Nursery?
A. I’m Alfredo Rios, plant health manager at Loma Vista Nursery.
Q. What is your favorite plant here at the nursery and why?
A. Hydrangeas! I like the different bloom colors and types.
Q. Do you think being a father has impacted your work experience?
A. Yes. I tried showing and teaching younger generations the few things I know about the nursery business. That could be because I’m a father and I would like Austin to come across with someone like that in his line of work after he graduates college.
Q. What is your favorite Father’s Day activity?
A. Playing and practicing golf with Austin is always fun! And so is grilling and smoking meat!

Michael Sellars helps around Loma Vista Nursery wherever he’s needed, but you can often find him surveying plants and assisting with inventory.
Q&A with Michael Sellars
Q. Who are you and what is your role at Loma Vista Nursery?
A. I am Michael Sellars and my role is nursery generalist.
Q. What is your favorite plant here at the nursery and why?
A. My favorite plant is Nyssa sylvatica, Rage Red. I like the pyramidal shape and the bright red fall color.
Q. Do you think being a father has impacted your work experience?
A. Being a father has given me motivation to succeed in order to provide for my family. Loma Vista Nursery understands family needs and provides a supportive work environment. I think this is felt by all employees on all levels.
Q. What is your favorite Father’s Day activity?
A. My favorite Father’s Day activity is having a cook-out with my family.
Learn About the Loma Vista Nursery Family and Our Landscape Plants
Loma Vista Nursery’s staff members are experts in the field. We love helping people learn and understand more about plants. Visit our plant catalog for information about shrubs, trees and perennial plants that are ideal for Midwest landscapes. To get answers to plant-related questions, send an email to sales@lomavistanursery.com or call (785) 229-7200.
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