Loma Vista Nursery News

Seeds of Leadership

“A leader is one who knows the way, goes the way, and shows the way,” – John C. Maxwell, American Author.

Seeds of plants – and leadership – are nurtured here at Loma Vista Nursery. We are proud to recognize Caitlin Hupp, one of our territory sales managers, for being named into the Class of 2020 “Forty Under 40” by Greenhouse Product News.

Nominated for her accomplishments both in and out of the horticulture industry, Caitlin’s leadership, creativity and compassion for the industry have landed her a spot in this outstanding class. According to the magazine, Caitlin and her fellow honorees are leaving a mark on their companies – and their futures are lighting up opportunities for our industry.


Caitlin Hupp, Loma Vista Nursery territory sales manager, is being honored as part of the Class of 2020 “Forty Under 40” by Greenhouse Product News. When not working, Caitlin and her son, Max, and their dog Toby enjoy family time together.

At Loma Vista Nursery, Caitlin is responsible for advancing the company into the digital age. She designed our first website, launched a digital marketing effort, created an online catalog and converted the sales team to a customer relationship management system. We are thankful for her hard work and dedication.

Through her efforts, Caitlin has expanded our consumer base by creating, marketing and servicing multiple retail programs, resulting in additional volume in the retail channel. Through her marketing efforts, Caitlin helped us expand sales into the 18 states Loma Vista Nursery now serves.

As an active member in the Kansas Nursery and Landscape Association and former member of the Prairie Gateway Chapter of the American Society of Landscape Architects, Caitlin plays a major role within the industry.

Join us in congratulating Caitlin on this outstanding achievement and dedication to our industry.

Learn More About Plants From Us!

Our staff members are experts in the field! We love helping people learn and understand more about healthy plants that perform well in Midwest landscapes. Feel free to email us at sales@lomavistanursery.com or call us at (785) 229-7200 to get help with your plant-related questions.

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