Loma Vista Nursery News

Loma Vista Nursery news;
Keeping you updated with us.

Planning for Spring

Timeless Selections for Fall Planting

As long as the ground is not frozen, anytime is a good time to plant a tree. Fall is a particularly good time because, planted early enough in the season, cooler temps and fall rains help trees establish their root systems before winter and the stress of summer heat and drought sets in. If you…

Variety is the Spice of Life

Planting for Landscape Diversity

Variety is the spice of life – and it is a “wow” in the landscape. Planting for diversity in public and private areas is an economical and ecological practice. It is cost effective, benefits plant health and the environment, and is aesthetically pleasing. At Loma Vista Nursery, we are growing a number of cultivars that…