Loma Vista Nursery News

Loma Vista Nursery news;
Keeping you updated with us.

Trends to Watch

Horti-futurism is Now

With the 2024 growing season at the starting gate, the question is naturally, “what’s new?” Experts (and history) tells us that trends are defined by the generations with buying power.  Horti-futurism, they say, is now.  While we value those Boomers who are still out there gardening along with their Gen X neighbors and Millennial children,…

Cooler Spaces

All About Shade Plants

Shady characters like heuchera, astilbe and Lamium bring the color and pizzazz to landscapes where the sunshine may be shy. With a variety of available colors and styles, there’s no limit on choice when it comes to shade plants for height, color and texture. Loma Vista Nursery grows a variety of shade plants for diverse…

All About Hostas

Top varieties and more from our plant experts

Hostas are long-lived and low maintenance. The American Hosta Society calls hostas “The Friendship Plant” because you will often make friends while sharing your hostas and making visits to others’ gardens. One of the major health benefits to gardening is the way being outside and connecting with others who share your interest and hobbies, allowing…