Loma Vista Nursery News

Loma Vista Nursery news;
Keeping you updated with us.

“Tough” Choices

Hardy Plants Make Their Seasonal Comeback

Hardy plants are “tough” choices for landscape designs because they stand up to a variety of environmental stresses and bounce back year after year with reliable color and form. From extreme temperatures and poor soils to drought, flooding, high winds and tricky light conditions, hardy plants are garden workhorses.  Their ability to withstand environmental anxieties…

Plant Species Highlight

Four-Season Ninebark for Variety, Versatility

When it comes to ninebark, no two shrubs are created equal. Miniature, colorful and compact varieties offer versatility, adaptability and disease resistance, providing for wide applications in modern residential and commercial landscapes. Lucky Devil® Ninebark (Physocarpus opulifolius ‘ZLEMICHAEL’) – First Editions Shrubs & Trees First introduced to the Eastern United States in the 1600s, hybridizers…

Take a Look at Nativars

Needed Solutions in the Landscape

Nativars provide home gardeners and professional contractors with needed solutions in the landscape. Bred to fit smaller spaces, nativars provide more flowers, deliver vibrant color and have strong disease and pest resistance. They also do the heavy lifting when it comes to ecological benefits. Cultivars of native species, nativars are part of the production mix…