Loma Vista Nursery News

Loma Vista Nursery news;
Keeping you updated with us.

Take a Look at Nativars

Needed Solutions in the Landscape

Nativars provide home gardeners and professional contractors with needed solutions in the landscape. Bred to fit smaller spaces, nativars provide more flowers, deliver vibrant color and have strong disease and pest resistance. They also do the heavy lifting when it comes to ecological benefits. Cultivars of native species, nativars are part of the production mix…

Substitutes for Shrubs

Stylish Grasses Provide Alternatives

Just like shrubs, herbaceous ornamental grasses come in all sizes, shapes and styles. They are perfect alternatives if you are looking for something a little different in the landscape. Like shrubs, many grasses provide privacy, variety and four-season interest. Here are some of the favorites we grow at Loma Vista Nursery. Korean Feather Reed Grass…

Disease Resistant Plants

Selections for the Landscape

Plant pests and pathogens get big consumer buzz and cost businesses money. Selecting pest and disease resistant plants for landscape and garden projects is good business. Disease “resistance” means that a plant, tree or shrub is bred to resist most common diseases and pathogens. Disease resistance supports plant vitality and environmental security. It also saves…

Gardening 101: Perennials

Feel Good Adding "Plants with Benefits"

A lot has been written about the numerous health and environmental benefits of plants to pollinators and humans. For those of us who work with plants every day, that’s “gardening 101.”  Plants improve quality of life. They help us feel good. They provide food and shelter. And through photosynthesis, flowers, plants and trees release oxygen…

Beautiful Bloomer

Endless Summer® at Loma Vista Nursery

No doubt about it – bigleaf hydrangeas are hot. They come in a variety of shapes, colors and sizes and are effortless to maintain in gardens, landscapes and containers. Their beautiful, long-lasting blooms make them ideal shrubs in a summer garden that is seemingly endless. Loma Vista Nursery is proud to grow the following Endless…

Top Quality Boxwood

Stylish, Versatile Selections for the Landscape

Loma Vista Nursery’s passion is growing cold-hardy, top-quality plants for Midwest customers. This includes our healthy container boxwood.  Propagating boxwood at Loma Vista Nursery. We propagate and grow boxwood in controlled environments to minimize bacterial diseases and cultivate robust, healthy shrubs. To take it a step further, we voluntarily participate in the USDA/National Plant Board…

Branding & Licensing

The Business Behind the Branded Plant

With roll-off-the-tongue names like Bloomerang® Dwarf Lilac, Lemon Drift® Rose and Little Devil™ Ninebark, branded plants are accessible. They are collectable and easy for the end-user to plant and maintain. Loma Vista Nursery’s 310-acre wholesale production facility is in Ottawa, Kansas, where we are the grower licensee of these and many other branded plant varieties.…

Variety is the Spice of Life

Planting for Landscape Diversity

Variety is the spice of life – and it is a “wow” in the landscape. Planting for diversity in public and private areas is an economical and ecological practice. It is cost effective, benefits plant health and the environment, and is aesthetically pleasing. At Loma Vista Nursery, we are growing a number of cultivars that…

Marching Into Tree Season

Learn About Our Field-Grown Practices

Loma Vista Nursery is marching into tree season! As temperatures warm and soils thaw, our landscape customers are stocking their spring inventory for people eager to get back to their outdoor planting projects. We are actively filling orders and preparing shipments to Midwest destinations. Swamp White Oak (Quercus bicolor) At Loma Vista Nursery, we grow…